Industrial Manufacturing – Service Parts

AMH Industries - Service Parts

Service Parts

With its vast range of products, producers, and processes, no other industry is quite as diverse as the industrial manufacturing industry. It is united by highly intense competition and extreme cost pressure. We show you how you can operate successfully in this environment with our customized solutions precisely tailored to your workflow.

Automated storage and retrieval solutions provide increased part accessibility and accuracy, along with accountability and real time stock management.

When Speed Matters
In operations when every minute counts, automated storage and retrieval solutions can increase productivity by eliminating walk and search time commonly associated with shelving. With the push of a button the part is delivered to the operator, clean and ready to use, within seconds. To maximize order picking throughput, batch picking allows an operator to fill multiple orders simultaneously.

Pinpoint Pick Accuracy
Using pick to light technology the operator is directed to the exact location of the required part, increasing pick accuracy to 99.9%. The TIC (transaction information center) provides the location, quantity and description of the part to be picked.

Prevent Part Shortages
Integrated inventory management software provides real time inventory. Reorder points can be set by part number. When the part quantity dips below the reorder point, purchasing is notified, preventing part shortages.

Order Picking

When speed matters… in situations in which every minute counts and accuracy becomes an issue, we can make your distribution run smoothly. Multiple inventory management techniques including batch picking, pick and pass, parallel picking, static or dynamic batching, host-directed batching and many more can be incorporated in order to make your order processing run exactly according to your needs.

Our solutions are designed to be modular and can be integrated in stages into any workflow, regardless of its current level of automation.

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