
Store and pick large quantities of items efficiently.

Having to keep a large number of items in stock, deal with a continuous flow of incoming orders, and meet the fast delivery times expected by customers constantly tests the efficiency of an online store’s internal storage logistics. Our dynamic retrieval systems provide the perfect solution.

Is efficient order picking a top priority at your company?

The fully automatic systems on our vertical carousel and lift storage systems can smoothly pick even large-volume orders in next to no time.

Assistance from pick-by-light and other systems is also no problem with our units! Orders are picked with high speed and precision thanks to their cleverly devised control concept.

Is your company still in the start-up phase?

Everyone starts off small and then grows with increasing commercial success. We grow at the same time, because our units can simply be combined with one another. The addition of further units with increased storage volume can be quickly and easily integrated into existing operations.

Do you want to make optimal use of the available space?

Regardless of whether your ceiling is 8 feet or 98 feet high, our automated storage systems can be individually and precisely adapted to fit within the existing dimensions, making best possible use of the room available and allowing you to increase sales of your goods within the existing space. This also means no costly building expansions or relocating to larger storage facilities as the business grows. In addition, the unique framework structure of our models makes it easier to relocate them as and when necessary without having to dismantle them beforehand.

Does limited space necessitate storage in the smallest of areas?

The design of our units permits highly dense storage of items. Compared to traditional storage on static shelving, customers can create up to 400 percent more storage space within their warehouse.

Does your inventory include a large number of small and miniature components?

Thanks to their compact design and storage technology, our dynamic retrieval systems are ideal for highly dense storage of many parts in a small space. Besides taking up less space, the solution also helps to cut the time employees spend moving around during storage and retrieval.

Are you looking for efficient and flexible warehouse management?

With warehouse management software individually adapted to your unit layout, you can control storage and order-picking tasks in real-time. Processing times of individual orders are minimized, retrieval and delivery times are faster, and money is saved at the same time. It is also easy to integrate the processing of returns.

The WMS software, Power Pick Global, is directly integrated into your ERP system. We can cite a range of reference projects in which our software has been integrated into Axapta, Magento, Navision, Movex, SAP, Jeeves, Apport, Consafe, Dracar, and Autovision, among others. Our solutions can be fully integrated into any logistics system.

Would you like to minimize the time spent by employees moving around the warehouse and assembly area?

By organizing our machines in line with the goods-to-person principle the necessary items are conveyed directly to the employees in the warehouse and the assembly areas, saving you time that would have been spent moving around. At the same time ergonomics is also improved for employees.

Combination of measures

Since the design of our retrieval systems is modular, it goes without saying that it is easy to combine the solutions presented here.

The advantages at a glance:

  • Less space needed: The footprint needed can be reduced by up to 85 percent due to the highly dense storage concept. This makes it possible to store the same amount of goods on a footprint of just ten to 25 percent of the original size while also freeing up space for other uses.
  • Modular design: The units can be integrated into any existing logistics system – as a self-contained storage system, in the area of production, or as an efficient buffer storage solution for shipping.
  • Improved inventory management: The Power Pick Global warehouse management software makes it possible to permanently monitor stock levels in real-time via its direct connection to the ERP system.
  • Safe batch management: Even extremely high quantities of miniature items can be safely stored and retrieved with our warehouse management software.
  • Controlled climate by regulating the humidity and temperature of environments where critical components are stored.
  • Dust-free storage in clean room conditions.
  • Safe handling and storage of valuable components and items in a lockable storage system, providing optimal protection from external influences and unauthorized access.

Is an investment in storage logistics solutions from AMH worthwhile for your business?

Get in touch with us and we will be happy to discuss this matter with you. Upon request, we can give you a free, no-obligation assessment of the options available to help you further optimize your storage logistics operation and save space, time, and money.

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